Quality in millions of kW
By Mariana Monteiro
Our first trip includes a technical visit to the Bahia countryside. The city of Paulo Afonso is where CHESF (Hydro-eletric Company of Paulo Afonso) was founded as a producer, transmitter and commercializer of electrical energy. Describing briefly its profile: CHESF employs over 5,500 people; transmits energy to 8 states and its diverse capital activities made a profit of $1,4 billion in 2008.
Along with a group headed by the Electrical Engineer Jose Augusto (Quality in Operaton Management Department - DOGQ - Recife[PE - The companie´s seat.), I visited the hydro-electric power station Paulo Afonso, which is one of the four that have been constructed in the city.
Along with a group headed by the Electrical Engineer Jose Augusto (Quality in Operaton Management Department - DOGQ - Recife[PE - The companie´s seat.), I visited the hydro-electric power station Paulo Afonso, which is one of the four that have been constructed in the city.
Jose Augusto explained to us that CHESF was created in 1945 by decree, so that the hydro-eletric potencial of the São Franciso River could be utilized. Today, CHESF generates energy for the Northeast states, except Maranhão. The energy produced by CHESF makes reading this blog possible if you are in Northeast Brazil!CHESF has a huge concern about mitigating its enviromental impacts. It´s possible to realize that easily,by looking at the photo below. The hydro-eletric power stations are built like the one in the photo, coexisting with nature, without unecessary deforestation, which ensures a pleasant working enviroment.

CHESF maintains several national parks, acts to monitor water ecosystems, flora, fauna. Furthermore, CHESF has taken actions to better education and health in the comunity.Inside the power statons, 30 meters under the ground, exists a great mural where the quality policy of CHESF is stamped everyday to its workers.
CHESF began to seek for total quality through the simple Quality Control Circle (discussions and reunion about how to make it right at the first time), and from that point to being with the best company of Vicenti Falconi lecturing about Total Quality, and following the Falconi's Model as well, the CHESF's Program of Quality and Productivity began. After intensive training given to its Chesfians, the company implanted the 5S Program; the Analysis and Solution of Problems Method (MASP) and PDCA. All this track was not easy to pass through, and CHESF faced all the problems with a lack of continuity of action and a lack of counciousness from the head masters. However, in 2003 the Managment Area decided that Quality would be an estrategic decision and things began to get solved. Because of this change, CHESF achieved the ISO 9001 2000 certification. Today, CHESF's 9 power stations and 33 substations achived this certification, with Aracaju Substation being the most recent to be regonized to achieve ISO 9001/2008. The company seeks to work by the 8 rules appointed by Quality National Foundation, inclusivily as a suporter of PROPEQ (Quality Program of Pernambuco). This journey is brilliantly told by Carmen Fonseca in her scientific paper.
At the photo below, we can see acessibilty applyed. Besides Managment Quality, CHESF was given by the Brazillian Quality of Life Association the XII National Prize of Life Quality in 2008 and was considered one of the 100 Best Companies in the Organization Human Development Index (IDHO) by the Gestão & RH Editora.
Visiting CHESF's Power Sations and Substations ensure us a walk through a Quality Colosse, reason of pride of its region, as written in the Paulo Afonso City's hymn "...I see the Northeast rising the flag of Order and Progress to the Brazillian Nation." Furthermore, through the landscapes just like the one at the photo below, at the first Programmed Waterfall of the World.
"I hear the happy Power Station, as a messenger saying by the strengh of the Waterfall`Brazil Goes!`"Hymn
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